The other day I bought two cases of peaches. Of course I had to make pie! Since my mothers pie shell recipe makes 6 pies I also had to make chicken pot pies too. A person can't live on peach pie alone. I finally got all the pies made and a million pictures of all the steps, when my sis-in-law texted to see if I remembered a bridal shower I was supposed to be at thirty mins. prior. Of course I had not remembered or I wouldn't of started making pies. I had to quickly leave before the pies were out and prayed there would be some left when I returned. Thank goodness there was a couple untouched pies that I was able to take a picture of. By then the sun had gone down and the light was horrible for the finished product. I went camping two days later and haven't had time to do the awesome blog post I had dreamed of. I just imported my pictures to begin editing and see there are 97 pie-making photos. Who are these bloggers that have time to not only create new content, take and edit 97 photos and then actually write a lovely post about the whole thing? I'm hoping sometime soon to put down all the steps and edit my photos, but for now I'll just say I made 6 yummy pies and they were eaten in 24 hours by my starving (after waiting for me to photograph every step) family.